FMNR brings economic empowerment for women in Kenya: Nancy’s story

February 1, 2016

By Caroline Njiru from World Vision Kenya

Nancy Kemboi hails from Ngusero Village, Baringo County in Kenya. The 60-year-old learnt about farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) in Ngusero primary school, during a meeting convened by her area chief. That meeting has proven to been life-changing.

Nancy's story: How a school meeting changed her life

When I was taught about FMNR in Ngusero Primary school, during a meeting convened by the area chief, the community members chose me as an agent of FMNR. This motivated me and I adopted FMNR as a champion.

I got firewood after pruning the trees and good grass grew under the pruned trees. My cows then got enough grass that led to increased milk production.

Milk production (from my five cows) has increased from 10 litres of milk to 32 litres. Before, the grass on my farm was not enough for my cattle.

I had never earned 27,000 shillings (US$300) in my life, which I got from selling my milk to Mogotio cooperative society.

I was awarded with a milk cooler refrigerator powered by solar energy, by the cooperative, after I emerged among the highest and most consistent suppliers of milk throughout the year.

FMNR has taught us the knowledge of taking care of trees but now we have gained from increased pasture and milk production. I am happy as a farmer, having been recognized. I am able to pay school fees for my children without panic.

Through FMNR, I have also been chosen as committee member in the Ngusero water project committee, chosen to represent Baringo County women in development matters in my village.

I did not ever think I could be chosen for such (a project). I am proud of FMNR as it has molded me as community leader.

FMNR has changed my life.
