Gold Standard Carbon Certification for Soddo forestry project in Ethiopia

November 17, 2013

Tim Morris, Manager of Food Security & Climate Change at World Vision Australia, has collected Gold Standard Carbon Certification of the Soddo-Ethiopia A/Reforestation Project, off Adrian Rimmer (CEO, The Gold Standard Foundation, a Swiss headquartered organisation) at the United Nations COP19, Warsaw, Poland.

“The Gold Standard testifies that Soddo-Ethiopia has successfully certified 189,026 CO2 certificates in accordance with The Gold Standard A/Reforestation requirements. The project was approved by the Technical Advisory Committee on 11 November.”

“This is the first A/Reforestation project in the world to gain Gold Standard Certification!” According to Moriz Vohrer, Technical Director Land-Use & Forests at The Gold Standard Foundation Freiburg, Germany.

The first trading of certificates (through specialist forest carbon broker – Forest Finance of Bonn, Germany) can now commence and this means revenue to communities for protecting their natural assets.

Soddo, now enjoys premium international market recognition and access through Gold Standard certification. This adds to the World Vision success surrounding the Humbo project partnership with the World Bank – the first A/Reforestation large scale forest carbon methodology project on the African continent to gain registration under the CDM and issuance of carbon credits in 2012 – the second in the world after the Plantar forest project in Brazil.

The World Vision team continues to show global leadership of the highest standards in response to climate change, through a very innovative and community driven approach, by accessing market mechanisms to benefit some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

Find out more about the Soddo forestry project
