Renew The Land. Speaker Profile: Ego Lemos

April 29, 2014

Water conservation and food forest


Speaker’s name: Ego Lemos

Position: Board Director of Permatil

Biography: For over ten years, musician, songwriter, permaculturalist and community development worker Ego Lemos has been charming audiences around the world with his inspiring enthusiasm for environmental and social revitalization in his home country, East Timor, and across the Globe.

Presentation Summary

Water is a basic essential for living environments. Water is a precious and finite resource and is subject to increasing usage pressure as populations increase. Rain-fed and irrigated agriculture play a key role in ensuring food security for everybody. Environmental destruction by human beings, especially deforestation in Timor-Leste, is bringing changes to the rain cycle and impacting on water tables. There used to be a regular rain cycle providing enough water for the farm.

Today rainwater gets less every year and the consequence is that too many farmers have failed crops, especially rice and corn. As a way of dealing with the water shortages, need to conserve water and diversify farm with different food crops which do not require as much water, crops such as banana, cassava, taro, sweet potato, arrowroot and a different type of yam (Uhi and Kumbili).


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