Worms in Zimbabwe and Termites in Ghana

August 16, 2016

by World Vision Ghana and World Vision Zimbabwe 
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration can bring a lot back to the environment and the community – including creepy crawlies!

In Ghana the restoration of trees has brought back termites. Although these are seen as a pest they are also great food for the chickens

“in the communities prior to the FMNR, farmers had to endure long distances to have just a few [termites] for their poultry. With the adoption of FMNR, there is increased biomass that the termites can feed on and quickly multiply” says Samuel Abasiba of World Vision Ghana.


In Zimbabwe the regeneration of trees is bringing back the mopane worms – a delicious and nutritious local delicacy. These worms feed entirely on the mopane tree leaves which have come back through FMNR. As a result, the mopane worm is serving as motivation for communities to prune and not cut down the trees for firewood or for construction as was previously the case. The mopane worm is used as a high protein relish here in Zimbabwe and thrives in the drier regions of the country. The mopane worms are grown either for subsistence or in most cases, for commercial purposes and it has become a huge source of income for rural households in the country.

Another great example of the community specific benefits which FMNR can bring about!

