Uganda: FMNR Annual Report 2014

May 19, 2015

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“The rate at which forest cover is depleted in Uganda is worrying, if not checked it will soon completely disappear […]. World Vision Uganda in partnership with other key players’ is working towards increasing tree coverage through the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) project. The five- year project supports a deliberate regeneration of trees from stumps, roots and naturally growing seedlings which is a cheaper option for reforestation […]. Beyond the tangible benefits such as regenerating trees for income generating purposes, the project supports children and communities to value and care for their environment. By reading this 2014 project annual report, you will discover the simple and affordable methods employed by communities to support natural regeneration of trees. Our successes in the project areas should be replicated in the rest of Uganda.”

(Extracts from the foreword by Gilbert Kamanga – National Director, World Vision Uganda)
