
Why Uganda?

The main drivers of land degradation in Uganda include high population growth rates, expansion of farming activities, weak enforcement of environmental laws, and demand for timber, fuel wood and other forest products in local communities.

Land degradation is causing reductions in farming productivity, more intense droughts and floods, and more frequent crop pest and disease outbreaks. Increasingly, crop and livestock farmers are clashing over scarce natural resources. And many are leaving the land altogether and heading to towns and cities because making a living from farming has become too hard. The human costs are persistent food insecurity, deepening poverty and child malnutrition.

The Ugandan Government has recognised the need for urgent action and has made a number of recent national and international commitments to land regeneration. These include a pledge to restore 2.5 million hectares by 2033 through the Bonn Challenge.

The Uganda catalyst project will be implemented in all World Vision program areas in 18 districts across Uganda’s northern and eastern regions. These areas have some of the highest proportions of degraded land in the country.


hectares of land under restoration

5 years

The project will be running from June 2023 – July 2028

Project outcomes

Increased organic spread and adoption of FMNR by individuals at the community level.  

Catalyse the widespread adoption and person-to person spread of FMNR at community level.

Strengthened enabling environment to promote FMNR scaling in Uganda.

Improved policy environment and increased investment by government and donors to support FMNR

World Vision’s direct FMNR programming reach is expanded.

Directly support communities to adopt FMNR through World Vision projects and programs.

Increased adoption and promotion of FMNR by external partners.

Mobilise and empower partners like governments, donors and other NGOs to spread FMNR independent of World Vision.

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